Windkeep Arts and Sciences Gathering

Saturday March 29th from 10AM to 4PM

Sunflower Room (3rd floor) of the Laramie County Library

Cost is free

Autocrat: (Event Coordinator)   Sir Kaleriia Andronikova- Send questions to     Arts and Sciences Minister office is vacant  If interested contact

Come join the Shire of Windkeep for a day of comradeship focused around Arts and Sciences.  Everyone is welcome. 

The primary focus of the day will be a workshop to make three cornered stools (Three legged Camp/Armoring Folding Stool).  Sir Mav is donating enough leather to make a small number of stools.  Materials for legs will also be included.  If you want to take part in the class (with free materials) please RSVP early so we know how many people to expect for the class.  Decoration on the stools will be left to personal preference. 

If you would like to attend but aren’t interested in the class, please join us anyway.  Bring whatever project you would like to work on that is library appropriate.  Calligraphy and paint are fine, but no open flames or caustic chemicals.  If in doubt, ask beforehand.

No A&S is necessary.  Everyone is welcome to just come and hang out, with or without a project to work on.

Finger Foods With the workshop over lunch it was suggested for attendees to bring finger foods/snacks to share. Not necessary only suggested.

Quarterly Arts and Sciences Gathering History See below

First Quarter Currently a space holder for March 29 at the Sunflower Room on third floor at the Laramie County Library.  2200  Pioneer Ave. Cheyenne, Wyoming.  The gathering  is still in the planning stage.  A number of ideas were discussed  at Populace. #1 Heraldry Names and Devices.  #2 Garb pattern development and adjustment.  #4 Build a three legged stool,  The stool had the most favorable response, however no Project leader.  Wanted is an Project Leader for the selected project. If interested please contact Seneschale    If you have a different A&S project, you would like offer and Project Leader, please contact the Seneschale .  .  Check back often for updates.

Second Quarter Currently a space holder for June 28 at a members home workshop. Address and more detail as determined. The theme of this gathering is to repair and make new Shire event sandwich board signs. The gathering  is still in the planning stage.  Ottarr Hallbjarnarson is project leader. Some lumber, plywood and paint has been donated.  If you have a A&S project, you would like offer for later gatherings and Project Leader, please contact the Seneschale .  .  Check back often for updates.